Becky is a vibrant woman with dreams and courage who has been diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis). She lives in Phoenix, AZ, with Steve, her husband of thirty years. Previously they lived in Houston, TX, where they worked at the Johnson Space Center supporting the Space Shuttle program with astronaut training and in Mission Control. While in Houston they enjoyed racing a small sailboat. She also served in the Coast Guard Reserves performing search and rescue activities out of Galveston.

After moving to Phoenix, while pursuing a successful career in the computer industry, Becky developed MS (multiple sclerosis). As her disability increased, her life changed in many ways. Her active lifestyle was challenged, as every task became an adventure, or mis-adventure as some turned out.

The increasing disability became more and more disheartening; the mis-adventures depressing. Then one of her friends helped her laugh about one of these situations. Becky saw a new way of looking at things. From then on she tried to put the humor back into her life. This lifted the cloud of depression. Sometime it takes a lot of effort to keep a positive attitude when facing so many obstacles, both physical and emotional, but with help from her friends, she tries to make the most of her life, despite having MS.

After suffering from a serious bout of pneumonia and living for a while in a small group care home, Becky has moved back home with her husband, Steve. With the help of a caregiver, she continues the activities of her normal daily life, attending women's programs at her church, and occasionally having a book signing or giving a talk to a group about her book. Along with her husband, she enjoys eating pizza while watching Science Fiction movies and following the NASCAR races on TV. Their daughter, Laura, is a television newscaster in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Becky has shared her story with the Women's Group at her local church and hopes to reach many more through this book. She hopes it will encourage those who have similar problems, offer family and friends more understanding of these types of situations, and at the least provide a laugh or two. Follow along with her on her MSAdventures as she tries to keep a positive attitude and have a little fun through it all.
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